The member libraries of MVLC are happy to offer our patrons book club kits! With hundreds of title to choose from, a basic book club kit includes 15 paperback books, a discussion guide, and a sign-out sheet in an easy-to-carry canvas tote bag. There are often other resources included such as a DVD, large print, or audio book. To see what is included in a specific book club kit, check the contents note found in the full display of each kit.
Reserving Book Club Kits: You can browse or search our catalog to select and reserve a kit for your book club using the “Make a Reservation” button. Making a reservation allows you to select a specific pickup and return date no more than six weeks apart, and to make reservations in advance so you can plan out the next few meetings of your book club.
Using Book Club Kits: When you find and reserve a book club kit, you can select any MVLC library at which to pick up your kit when it is ready. Kits can be used for a six week period with no renewals. It is very important to return your kits on time as there are often other people waiting to use the kit in the time period immediately after yours. Because of the tight reservation system a kit must be returned at its assigned due date no matter what day it was finally received.
Lost or Damaged Book Club Kits: The time and resources used to create and manage book club kits is considerable. Like any other library material, the person checking out an item will be responsible for the complete return of all pieces of the kit without damage. A lost kit is valued at $150. Lost or damaged pieces will be billed at cost.