Reserve a Museum Pass
Library patrons age 18 and older may reserve passes with their Dracut or other MVLC library card. A family may reserve 1 pass per day and only 1 pass of each type at a time. Each pass can be reserved once per month.
Non-digital/printable passes can be picked up up to 3 days in advance, until 12 noon on the day of use. After noon, the pass will be given to the next person who requests it. (Special arrangements can be made for late pickup).
All discounts and information for each pass can be found by clicking “Details/Reserve” below, with the exception of our discount to the New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra, which can be found at the bottom of this page.
The New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra
Dracut Library cardholders can get 20% off adult and senior ticket prices for the 2024-2025 concert season at the The Phil with our discount code. The Phil’ performs at the Seifert Performing Arts Center, Salem High School, 44 Geremonty Dr., Salem, NH 03079, unless otherwise noted on the performance schedule for a particular concert. Their Sunday performances also have a livestreaming option so you can enjoy the music from anywhere. Visit to view the concert schedule.
The discount code for our library cardholders is Parker and it is case sensitive. It can be used for any or all of the concerts in The Phil’s 2024-2025 season.
Tickets must be purchased online in advance in order to use this discount. Purchase tickets at